15 Bardcore Covers You Need To Listen To

12. Macarena (Medieval Cover)

Another song that sounds like something taken straight out of a Spyro game, once this cover gets into the main chorus you can just picture a village hall filled to the brim with farmers and workers doing a medieval rendition of the Macarena. Again it is a shame there are no lyrics to accompany the song but they are needed to enjoy this cover.

The artwork is brilliant too. It seems to show a group of people dancing as the Grim Reaper performs the Macarena to the group. This could be a niche reference to the dancing plague of 1518, which reports of up to four hundred people dancing for days, seemingly unable to stop. While it has never been confirmed, there are those who believe that many died due to the fact they couldn't stop dancing.

Eithier way, it's a fun song with a nice piece of art accompanying it.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.