15 Best Albums Of The Decade (So Far)

4. Grizzly Bear - Shields


Grizzly Bear might hail from the same label as Autechre but that's where the similarities end - the Brooklyn-based band's largely acoustic, stripped down rock is about as far removed from the intricate electronic production of most artists in the Warp stable as you can get.

Their fourth album Shields, released in 2012, is every bit as gorgeous as their previous efforts, with all the wurlitzers, marching percussion, and sophisticated vocal harmonies we've come to expect from Edward Droste, Daniel Rossen, Chris Taylor, and the appropriately named Christopher Bear.

With such a wonderful combination of acoustic folk, psychedelia, and experimental art rock it's little wonder that the band has invited favourable comparisions with The Beach Boys circa Pet Sounds, and with their fifth album set to be "more adventurous" we can expect good vibrations from Grizzly Bear in the future.

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