10 Most Criminally Underrated Alter Bridge Songs You Must Hear
7. Coeur D'Alene
Being a more conceptual release penned almost entirely by Myles, AB III tells the story of an individual searching for purpose and a certain quality of life (Slip to the Void), distancing themselves from everyone and everything around them (Isolation, All Hope Is Gone), before finding that true strength lies within (Breathe Again) and returning to give it their all (Life Must Go On).
It might not have been for everyone, but personally I adore it, and Coeur d'Alene is a midpoint track centred around our character looking to their origins, the place they were born and the one place that might offer some respite.
As a song it's a fairly heavy number, the sliding riff being very unique in comparison to the rest of the album and the solo being one that Mark often changes up when the band are on tour. Named after a lake in Myles' hometown of Spokane, Washington, it's a very personally written piece, motivated by Kennedy's own doubts about fitting into the music industry as he developed tinnitus growing up.