10 Most Criminally Underrated Alter Bridge Songs You Must Hear

2. Ahavo Rabo Taco Salad

Wondered what the hell I was referencing in the intro? Well it's this; an instrumental initially penned to be a solo composition written uniquely for Total Guitar, yet when the band heard that Tremonti was laying something down, they all wanted to help out.

Cue additional guitar layering, Philips' drum patterns accentuating the lead guitar passages and a rumbling bass keeping everything rolling along nicely.

The entire piece is a guitar fan's dream, showcasing just how incredible Tremonti can be when he writes something focussed entirely on his six string abilities. A flamenco-style interlude gives you room to breathe, but only for a second as the remainder of the track is a magic show of whammy bar tricks and some psychotically-fast picking to wrap it all up.

I can't think of any bands out there that would be able to contribute to a piece that highlights one member's abilities, without it being too overbearing or sounding like a full band track, and for that, this deserves all the praise in the world.

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Alter Bridge
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