15 Most Nailed-On Twitter Burns Of Kanye West

7. Kanye's Vow Of Silence Is Proof Enough God Exists For Some People

Okay, probably not, but when Kanye West expressed through a half hour rant (ironically) that he would be taking a six-month vow of silence in 2014, there must have been more than a few Lords thanked. Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. West stated his purpose for the vow was to show people he is not an angry person. He is sick and tired of the world criticizing him for keeping it too real with his message so he's going to cool it for a while to give people who can't take his realness a break. The only problem is people don't like Kanye because he's angry or because he keeps it too real; people don't like Kanye because he is the ultimate example of arrogant/ignorant, self-absorbed, overpaid celebrity and ranting/singing about oneself on a stage to millions of people, while a piano plays softly in the background is about the most self-absorbed action taken in history.

6. Feel The Wrath Of Katy Perry

It has been five years since that 2009 VMAs incident and still people have not let it go - least of all Taylor Swift, who drops a casually good-natured joke from time to time on West's rude behavior, after he famously stormed the stage drunkenly to steal the mic and the award from Swift for a moment to infer that Beyonce should have won. He tweeted "I'm sorry, Taylor", but never did anything more in way of an apology, and he's felt the burn (and unchecked, righteous anger) from the media and fans of Taylor (including Katy Perry) since.

5. Just Remember: Pink Said It First

While Pink's tweet might not carry the weight of being called a "Jacka**" by the President of the United States twice, it's still pretty barbed. The 2009 VMAs was the moment when Kanye West went from being a slightly irritating rapper with an ego to becoming the most obnoxious mega star on planet earth. A steady flow of criticism against him has not let up since and it makes you wonder in light of Kanye's vow of silence if all the negativity might be finally getting to him? Fingers crossed anyway.

4. Yeezus Doesn't Walk, He Fries

This angry tweeter's religious indignation over Kanye West claiming to be God on his new album might cause many a nonbeliever's eyes to roll, but even the most ardent atheist can admit West has maybe taken things too far. Referring to yourself in the third person is always stupid especially when the name is a ghetto-fabulous form of Jesus (Yeezus, get it?). However, appearing on Rolling Stone magazine in a bloody crown of thorns with an article titled "The Passion Of Kanye West" leaves us pondering if there exists just an ounce of respect for anything sacred anymore.


aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation