5. Their Songs Are Chalk Full Of Clever Non Sequiturs
Modest Mouse tells gripping stories, but again, these aren't always the simple tales Kenny Rodgers liked to sing. Isaac Brock likes to get real weird with it. Here are just a few of the best:
"We laughed about paying rent because the county jails are free" - King Rat"Well all the apostles, they're sitting in swings Saying 'I'd sell of my savior for a set of new rings And some sandals with the style of straps that cling best to the era" - Bankrupt on Selling"Everyone's afraid of their own life If you could be anything you want I bet you'd be disappointed, am I right?" - Lives"You cant make dirt clean so well just lemon-scent it" - Medication"If God takes life, hes an Indian giver" - Bukowski"Language is the liquid that were all dissolved in Great for solving problems, after it creates the problems" - Blame It On the Tetons