15 Unsigned Metal Bands You Need to Hear Now

11. Lo There Do I See My Brother

ltdismbThe Lowdown: Gorgeous Pacific Northwest ambient post rock that's the perfect complement to the region's dual beauty. Mountainous yet elegant, LTDISMB's sound is largely instrumental, but the sparse vocals, when delivered carry enormous weight. But the focus of the music is sprawling, building shimmering music that ebbs and flow with sublime shifts between introspective strumming and more metallic heaves. The latest release, With Eyes Open, We Fall On Our Swords, is available on CD format from the band as well as a bandcamp download. Purchase, listen, and be engrossed RIYL: Pelican, The Ocean, Mogwai, God Speed! You Black Emperor.
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I am metal. I am so metal I ejaculate mercury. OK, love puppies, pro football and my daughter, so how's that for balance? I own a little metal blog called teethofthedivine.com and used to write for Metal Maniacs, Unrestrained magazines and currently help out with Hails and Horns and New Noise magazines. Yeah- I guess I am metal.