20 Best Hard Rock & Heavy Metal Guitar Riffs Of 2016

5. Kreator - "Satan Is Real"

German speed metal veterans Kreator released two amazingly kick-ass singles in 2016: "Gods of Violence" and "Satan Is Real". Both tracks are melodic, anarchic and adrenaline-pumping, with the former being an exercise in insane speed and the latter relying more on restraining tempo to create memorable hooks and harmonies.

As a result, riff-wise, "Satan Is Real" is probably the stronger of these two incredible tracks. While "Gods of Violence"'s guitar parts are technically sound and must-listen's for thrash addicts everywhere, "Satan..."'s guitars are more accessible, thought-out and headbang-provoking. Also, the leads in that chorus are to die for!

But overall, these are two strong metal juggernauts that both need to be heard ASAP.


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