20 Devastating Songs About Heartbreak

13. If You Have To Go - Geneva

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xWz0he8va0 One of the joys of music is discovering something wonderful you've never heard before, and finding a particular song that stays with you. On the face of it, Geneva were one of the unluckiest bands in the world. They were a band who had everything in place €“ songwriting, music and voice? All boxes ticked, but still no breakthrough. There were many reasons for this, chief of which was the decision to release their debut, all big guitars and portentous singing on the same day as 'OK Computer.' There's a time to pick your battles, and they got that one horribly wrong. By the time they released this single from their second album the game was up, which was a crying shame because this song is a lost gem. 'If you have to go' is a song of many themes about love, it's a song of defeat, it's a song of acceptance, but there's also a doomed hope here. The words are wonderful, "And if you get to thinking, the same as I've been dreaming, just let me know, just let me know." The voice is the lead instrument whilst the band plays the tune out with wonderful restraint.
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What makes music fantastic? Star quality, amazing music, breathtaking lyrics and the ability to bring something new to the table, even if that means a new take on the classics. That's what I love to listen to and write about. As well as writing for What Culture, I occasionally write a blog http://tedney.blogspot.co.uk and sometimes use Twitter, but sparingly @TedneyNash