20 Landmark Songs Of The 2000s

16. The Streets - Dry Your Eyes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHOf3s70w-c The Streets, aka Mike Skinner, was the Brummie Eminem who brought something new to the UK music scene. Whilst €˜Dry your eyes' might seem slightly clichéd in parts, the wordsmithery isn€™t a million miles from what Alex Turner was doing with Artic Monkeys. It told the seemingly mundane stories of the everyman, but gave them a wonderful universality. It€™s easy to forget the impact The Streets had on the music of the 00s. €˜Dry your eyes€™ spoke to pretty much everyone who heard it. This wasn€™t about musical tribes or cultures; it was about the matters of the heart - the timeless theme that linked pop music across the decades. Starting off like an epic sounding Walker Brothers ballad, the song is tale of emasculation. €œWe can have an open relationship if we must?€ There€™s no machismo here and at times it€™s incredibly painful listening. €œPlease, please, I€™m begging, please.€ Tellingly, Skinner chose strings as his main accompaniment here. In doing so he showed that hip-hop was not afraid to use the musical language pioneered by The Beatles in the 60s. As a result he sounded like a broken-hearted beat poet playing within the new rules of hip hop. Yes you can tell a tale, yes you can sound bruised and battered, and yes, you can sound vulnerable. But you have to memorable and here The Streets were unforgettable. So, a tender ballad about heartbreak from someone who was ostensibly a hip-hop artist. Who saw that coming?

What makes music fantastic? Star quality, amazing music, breathtaking lyrics and the ability to bring something new to the table, even if that means a new take on the classics. That's what I love to listen to and write about. As well as writing for What Culture, I occasionally write a blog http://tedney.blogspot.co.uk and sometimes use Twitter, but sparingly @TedneyNash