20 Problems Only Music Festival Goers Will Understand

2. You'll Get With A Stranger And Everyone Will Ridicule You

And rightly so - what were you thinking? It's a cardinal sin to get intimate at a festival, especially on the last night. It doesn't matter how good looking they are, think of the hygiene. Privacy is also an issue. If your friends catch you even thinking about pulling a stranger they'll never let you forget it; evidence will be all over Facebook by Monday afternoon.

1. Post-Festival Blues

Despite all these problems, the biggest one comes after you've got back home. The first day of normality will be great: a hot shower, digestible food and an actual bed to sleep in. However, soon enough you'll be wishing you were back in that muddy field with your best friends, listening to your favourite bands and getting up to all sorts of misadventures. When do next year's tickets go on sale?
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.