20 Things Only Arctic Monkeys Fans Will Understand

11. They're Incredibly Consistent

An album at least every two years is undoubtedly an impressive feat in itself. And yet for a band that has now released five LPs, it's remarkable that there has been no marked dips in quality. No "difficult second album" syndrome or misjudged attempts at experimentation - just a steady stream of high-quality songs packaged in well-structured albums. It's been almost a year since the release of AM, and Arctic Monkeys' track record suggests you can be sure there's another album will be on its way soon. This metronomic release schedule hasn't gone unrewarded; every one of their albums has gone platinum in the UK, and 'Do I Wanna Know' has confirmed their growing worldwide popularity by becoming their first song to reach number 1 in the US singles chart.

10. Josh Homme Has Been A Great Influence

If you're a musician, there are certainly worse people to have in your camp than Josh Homme. The Queens of the Stone Age frontman has been writing and performing quality material for over twenty years now, earning a cult following with Kyuss before forming the band for which he's known best in 1996. So when he starting cropping up in Arctic Monkeys' music, his impact was immediate. Homme produced six of the tracks on Humbug, lending his expertise to a sound that, while not as instantaneously catchy as some of the band's earlier work, exuded a real sense of depth and richness (more on that later). Elsewhere, his contributions have extended to backing vocals for 'All My Own Stunts', as well as more recent appearances on AM's 'One for the Road' and 'Knee Socks'. It's reached the point that it would seem strange for the Arctic Monkeys to release an album without some kind of input from Homme - such is his rapport with the band.

9. They Have Slowly Refined Their Image

It's no secret that Arctic Monkeys have altered their style over the years, but a look at their early performances reveals just how considerable that transformation has been. During that time they have gone from mop-tops and branded T-shirts to hair gel and leather jackets, accompanying their transition into a smoother sound with a look reminiscent of 50s greasers. It's a change that the band have embraced wholeheartedly. A "wardrobe case" is never far away while they're on tour, and Alex Turner's habit of running a comb through his slicked-back hair has become a trademark of sorts for the lead singer. For better or for worse, style has played a major role in the music industry for years now, and there's no doubt that Arctic Monkeys' evolution can be seen as well as heard.

History graduate, writer, and long-suffering Spurs fan interested in all things music and sports-related. Once briefly held the title of world's youngest person. You can follow me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/sgfcarter