21 Problems All Guitarists Share

20. "Play Smells Like Teen Spirit!"

This can be interchanged with almost any other popular song. Depending on who you€™re with it€™ll be Smells Like Teen Spirit, or some people will ask for Sam Smith, or, bafflingly, some will ask about random pop songs which don€™t actually have any obvious guitar parts as if you€™re some kind of human jukebox with infinite capabilities. What makes this harder is that refusing to play these songs often makes you look like a pretentious idiot, especially if you answer, €œactually, I'm really focusing on instrumental stuff at the moment€ (NEVER say this out loud), which makes all the cool points you got by having a guitar in the first place curl up and die within seconds.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.