I've only ever been to a gig by myself once: none of my friends wanted to see The Good, the Bad and the Queen. I don't think many of them knew who they were. It was a freezing November evening, and I didn't know where I was going. I asked three people for directions that night, and one of them told me that "God would guide me there." It's really easy to say you'd die for someone you love, but it's a lot more difficult to say that Damon Albarn is maybe the only musician that I would risk being stranded in Elephant and Castle for. Damon is my hero, because he's always done what he believes to be right for the music, and he's always tried to connect grander ideas with his audience. Whether it's Blur, Gorillaz, a super-group or an opera, Albarn manages to always stamp his melancholic melodies over his work, and he always manages to take his career somewhere new and exciting. Here are my top 25 of his songs, from any of his projects. And these are songs that are being judged for their Albarn efforts, rather than anything anyone else brought to the table.