5 Fundamentals All Unsigned Bands Need To Do

3. Your Singer Needs To Be Confident

vocal recording How do you know a singer is at your door? He never knows when to come in. The vocalist is the main focal point in any band. It is through their voice, movement and personality that the music is digested and interpreted by the audience. It is the singer's role to convey what the music being created by the other band members means and it is his or her duty to evoke a reaction from the listener. Confidence is a must. It bypasses countless technical hurdles and has the ability to thrust an average singer into stadium crowd pleaser territory. Shy, quiet people who are unable to flip the switch at showtime need not apply. Standing, never mind showboating, gyrating and singing is hard enough to do in front of a room full of people/crowd. Acknowledging all of this along with the added vulnerability of playing music that is both original and (often) filled with personal lyrics, suddenly fronting a band is a lot harder than it looks. The ability to juggle all these responsibilities and still put yourself out there as the main subject of expectation and interest is the act all good singers know and take on. Performance is as important as every other aspect of playing live. Without confidence, you're ice skating up hill. Oh yeah, it helps if they can sing too.
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By day, a typical, clichéd tortured artist with delusions of grandeur. A dyslexic warrior haunted by his poor grammar and dependent on his trusty spell-check. By night he is the musical gigging front man/guitarist in a heavy alt 2 piece noise outfit know as “Exit Strategy One.” Armed with enough affirmation to chase his musical dream he shares his downtime between gigs watching box sets and talking rubbish to anyone who will listen.