5 Reasons Why Muse Are The Modern Queen

2. The Frontmen

Perhaps one of the biggest indications that Muse are a modern Queen is the men who lead the bands. Not taking anything away from the musical talent and genius that is Dom Howard or Roger Taylor, Chris Wolstenholme or John Deacon, especially Brian May, but there is something about both Matt Bellamy and Freddie Mercury that makes both bands stand out from the rest. The mannerisms, behavior and general feeling which both frontmen convey is strangely similar, so much so that Bellamy should be described more as the Mercury of his generation. Freddie Mercury was famed for his ability to hit the high notes and hold them for incredible amounts of time - listen to Matt Bellamy and the same could be said of him. The way that both men can get a stadium from silence to hysterics with one line, chorus or chord - the Live Aid performance in 1985, where Mercury let out all the stops, is especially famous for this. And Muse's recent concerts have had Matt striding from corner to corner of the stage, wowing stadium-goers and capturing minds with his Mercury-esque voice and showmanship. It is almost as if Freddie Mercury lives on in the curious lead guitarist of Muse. But these reasons alone cannot claim that Muse are a modern incarnation of Queen.

Me? I'm 17 years old, from Dawlish, Devon and studying (tirelessly) at Exeter College. I love pretty much anything, am a fan of numerous TV programmes and films, countless books and topics, from Sherlock to the Cold War, Doctor Who to Muse and my ambition is to become a journalist in any field which I have an interest in, and I hope to show my opinions (although varied) to the full.