3. Happy Birthday - Stevie Wonder
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FchMuPQOBwA Why would anyone, ever, oppose setting aside a day to celebrate Dr. King? This is Stevie Wonder's thought on the 1981 track Happy Birthday. From Wonder's album Hotter Than July, it was written as part of the campaign to get Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a national holiday in the USA. Compared to the previous two songs in tone, Wonder has a more measured and peaceful approach. His lyrics are simple and powerful, as he confesses "You know it doesn't make much sense, there ought to be a law against anyone who takes offence, at a day in your celebration". Wonder clamours for a world party in the song and believes we should have love and unity at least on the day King was born if not for the future. The joyous nature of the song and the lyrics Happy Birthday are often misused and misunderstood. Wonder's song could be seen as cheesy and sentimental but because of the honest tone and almost confessional lyrics Wonder makes it work and the song stands amongst Wonder's best work. Obviously Wonder's song was instrumental in helping the awareness of the campaign for MLK Day, and Wonder would perform the song and headline at the concert to celebrate they very first back in 1986.
Rod McCance
I mostly write about wrestling and sometimes music when I'm not serving people coffee. I also have a blog http://thesunsetflip.tumblr.com/ and am on twitter @kideternity2013
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