50 Albums That Defined The 90's

24. Far Beyond Driven - Pantera 1994

Farbeyond There is a common misconception that the 90's wasn't a good time for Metal. Many believe, it was an extremely fertile period for the heavier side of music. For a start, there was 'Far Beyond Driven'. This is still the heaviest album to top the charts in the U.S. One listen to this monstrous outpouring of anger, hatred and disgust, it still defies belief that it managed to achieve what it did. Bear in mind that it didn't climb to the top after the release of a successful single or two, nor did it get to number 1 after months of relentless touring. No, this beast, debuted in the top spot. Ridiculously brutal and relentless, even when it isn't raging (on rare occasion) it is still a very unsettling and mood-heavy collection of songs. Kings of, what would become known as, Groove-metal, Pantera had already climbed near the top of the metallic pack with their two previous releases, 'Cowboys from Hell' and, 'A Vulgar Display of Power', but 'Far Beyond Driven', was where the world had to take notice of their sledge-hammer to the skull brand of sonic assault. Blending the speed and technicality of Thrash Metal, the sludge and swing of Sabbath, and the southern-fried riffs born out of their Texan origins, no one had ever, and will ever sound like Pantera did. The band weren't the easiest listen anyway, but on 'Far Beyond Driven', things took an even creepier and gloomier turn, both lyrically and musically. A song like 'Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks', clearly demonstrates that the humans behind the music were out drag you into their murkiest depths of their imaginations. Phil Anselmo, singer and lyricist, was now starting to feel the effects of their fearsome live show and being a spokesman for many a young metalhead. He had ruptured a couple of discs in his back and was drinking heavier than normal to mask the pain as well as developing a reliance on increasingly stronger painkillers. This coupled with some particularly destructive relationships and a love/hate affair with sections of the media, only increased the incredibly gifted singer to sound even more full of bile and poison. Anselmo, at times has a soothing, deep throated, southern drawl that he can turn into a croon, with ease, then he can shift, effortlessly, into a throat shredding, venomous, demonic son of a bitch! Dimebag Darrell's guitar playing reaches new levels of weight and he ups his massively unique and one-off style of guitar playing that boasts riffs and lead playing that Metal had never, ever come close to hearing before. The rhythm section of Darrell's brother, Vinnie, on drums and Rex, on bass, still remains untouchable as far extreme music is concerned. Technical, tight and flawless. Some would argue that Pantera have been more influential than any other band that's been called Heavy Metal, except, perhaps Black Sabbath. Yes, that includes Metallica and Iron Maiden, the debate rages on. Press play, and keep in mind, as 'Strength Beyond Strength', scares the hell out of you, that this was a number 1 record, in America! The lyrical content is attacking the substance of the all American dream, the irony is glaring. "You're working for perfect bodies, perfect minds and perfect neighbors. But I'm helping to legalize dope on your pristine streets and I'm making a fortune." Just a snippet of Anselmo's school of thought. There is a lot more society based tirades, but also more personality, and self loathing than he has ever invested into a record before this one. More open and honest words from a vocalist are hard to find as he pulls from the furthest recesses of his mind.
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Live and work in Aberdeen, Scotland...unfortunately. Sang in My Minds Weapon (Basick/Drakkar/Sony) for ten years (2002 - 2012) and now just tinkering with various other projects. Die hard Leeds United fan. Metalhead in my heart but also love many other genres of music. Also enjoy anything with Christopher Walken or David Caruso. Family live in Perth, Australia, so have been there many times. Best place in the world.