6 Worst Cases Of Second Album Syndrome

2. Terence Trent Darby - Neither Fish Nor Flesh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4h5596rWiQ One track that can at least be recommended: "This Side Of Love". Stripped-back and experimental, "This Side Of Love" is the one true highlight salvaged from a quagmire of pretentious mediocrity. What the chuff happened to Terrence Trent Darby? Blessed with an outstanding singing voice that could rival Prince and Stevie Wonder, his debut yielded three Top Ten UK hit singles and then two years later he released what can only be described as an ego-dominated abomination. To say his sophomore album, Neither Fish Nor Flesh was not well received would be an understatement of biblical proportions. Stupid random title aside, 12 songs of relentless, pretentious posturing led to any goodwill Darby had garnered disappearing quicker than a cold pint of beer on a hot summers day. Not that this was necessarily a surprise, when Darby released his debut it was amidst a whirlwind of publicity - created primarily by him - who had stated his debut was better than The Beatles Sgt Pepper's album! That's some statement; better back it up matey. Hampered with a cumbersome subtitle (A Soundtrack of Love, Faith, Hope & Destruction), it was clear from the song titles alone that we were in for a bumpy ride; "I Have Faith in These Desolate Times", "It Feels So Good to Love Someone Like You", "To Know Someone Deeply Is to Know Someone Softly". Here were songs so breathtakingly self-involved, Darby practically flushed his career down the toilet in one fell swoop - which is the only thing that can happen when you release a complete turd of an album.
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I love Heavy Metal, and generally anything that involves a guitar and loud noises, so I figured it was about time I put all the useless information in my head to good use and start writing a few things. Most of the time I'll be writing nonsense but occasionally I may surprise myself and appear half-way knowledgable.....but you can be the judge of that. Thanks for your fleeting attention!