7 More Not-Quite-As-Famous Bands That Didn't Actually Exist In Real Life

5. Dethklok

dethlok Based on a recommendation of Whatculture best-named commenter, 'Murderface', Dethklok comes courtesy of Adult Swim and if you don't get AdultSwim and don't care for it's adult-oriented cartoons, then you won't get Dethklok, the subject death metal band of it's Metalocaplypse cartoon series. Created by Brendan Small and Tommy Blacha, who also wrote and played much of the music in the studio for the cartoon, they decided to take a live version of Dethklok out into the real world. In the cartoon, Dethklok itself is said to be the 7th largest economy, due it's billions of fans around the world. However, despite their popularity they come off as barely able to survive in a world that expects more from them than just ...well, playing death metal. They struggle with the most basic of activities not needing a guitar, like buying groceries as The Tribunal watches their every move. Dethklok crossed over into the real world in 2007 with the release of the Dethalbum. They have since followed that record up with the imaginative Dethalbum II and Dethalbum III. The creators of Dethklok (the cartoon) enlisted the talents of fellow death metal musicians to take Dethklok and their message on the road on campus tours throughout America and into Europe where people with similar tastes get together and I don't know, I guess discuss the problems buying groceries and conditioner.
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Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.