7 Reasons Anberlin Will Be Sorely Missed

6. They've Made Some Of The Most Fun Pop-Punk Songs Around

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43CyrUv60Cc Serious fans of Anberlin might huff at the idea of praising the band's brief forays into pop-punk, but these light-hearted gems showcase their whimsical side, something that's kept the band from becoming too serious for their own good. Most of their albums are heavy stuff--dealing with spiritual turmoil, soured relationships, personal demons, and societal struggles--so it's nice to hear a poppy little ditty about singing along with the car stereo. Anberlin's earlier albums are littered (in the best way) with cheer. "Foreign Language" (Blueprints for the Blackmarket) is the sonic equivalent of a hack comedian's take on how women never say what they mean. "Boys speak in rhythm and girls in code," is the most repeated lyric. Yes, it's not the most poignant song the band has ever written, but it's a whole lotta fun. Meanwhile, "Stationary Stationery" has the most clever wordplay of any song title I've ever seen. The song, in case you're wondering, if about a long lost love who the narrator never hears from anymore. She certainly never sends letters, hence the stationery remaining stationary. (Get it? GET IT???) "Do they not have pen or paper where you are? 'Cause I haven't heard from you in ages," the song opens. There are several more examples, the rest of which became a bit more subtle and nuanced as the band's songwriting abilities improved. Some might call these throwaway tracks, but they're absolutely perfect for a long summer's drive with the windows down. And why would you want to throw that away?
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.