8 Amazing Music Albums You Can’t Even Buy Anymore

1. The Beatles - The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl

The Beatles Live At Hollywood Bowl

The Beatles are one of the most famous, commercially successful pop/rock groups in the history of music, which makes it utterly baffling that you can't buy a single officially-released live recording of the band. It might make sense if they were terrible live, but general consensus is that the group put on a fantastic show. So what gives?

There actually was a live Beatles album, released in 1977. The album was recorded at the Hollywood Bowl over a decade earlier, in August 1964 and August 1965. After these two shows were recorded, the tapes were listened t and, it was decided that the sound quality of the recordings wasn't decent enough to merit commercial release. The recordings sat untouched for many years, occasionally passed around but always shelved.

In the end, the Beatles' producer George Martin was asked to try and salvage the material, and the album was finally released. Sadly, when The Beatles' back catalogue was transferred to CD, The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl was ignored, and once again it became impossible to buy live material from one of the world's most influential bands.

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