8 Heavy Metal Songs That Denounce Racism

3. Anthrax- Indians

With the recent decision to halt the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in response to the protests by the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota, one would have expected this song to appear here.

That being said, Indians, as a whole, may be more relevant now than it was when originally written, foregoing recounting what songs including Iron Maiden’s Run to the Hills already have and focusing on the aftermath centuries on.

The song condemns Native Americans’ relegation to being “second class citizens” and the indifference of the nation’s population that deems the plight of the “Indians” as not among their own problems.

However, the lyrics argue that the United States (being specific here as the band’s members are American) is a multicultural institution where the terrain is characterized not by prejudice and hatred but by the differences of the people therein.

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