8 Mind-Blowing Details In Radiohead Albums You Never Noticed

7. The Portal To The Future

Whilst no one really understood 'Kid A' to begin with, we look back on the record now as a masterpiece beamed to us from the future; even though it was the year 2000, 'Kid A' sounds so much more aware of the decade to come. But actually, it wasn't the just music that was sent from the future. There's a booklet hiding in the 'Kid A' CD case, that contains mysterious scribblings and jumbled poetry. These snippets of phrases would become lyrics on the following two albums, 'Amnesiac' and 'Hail to the Thief', meaning that Radiohead had basically hidden a portal to the future on their album. Most lyrics from that period were actually written by picking phrases out of a hat and forming songs from incoherent feelings; many of the songs that made it onto 'Amnesiac' were actually considered for 'Kid A', and at one point, the band toyed with the idea of releasing a double album. So whilst it's really not that crazy that the band would have lyrics for future songs - they've released songs almost a decade after writing them before - it's a lovely touch for the fans.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.