8 Superstar DJs That Actually Suck

4. deadmau5

It's a shame that a DJ with such a great image (and let's be honest, it is a cool mask) and such impressive tastes and skills as deadmau5 actually makes remarkably generic beats. Yes, he is probably the most "gifted" producer on this list. Yes, he covers a wide range of styles, from indie, to EDM, to more contemplative electronica. And yes, his hotheaded personality makes for a refreshing change from the pecs-and-abs brigade that dominates the superstar DJ scene. But ultimately, no matter how much he protests, deadmau5 is really not all that different from the other DJs around him. He may cite the likes of Fat Boy Slim as influences, but he does a disservice to his beloved superstar 1990s DJs by following the same hit production patterns and guest vocal-featuring festival sing-a-long tracks as his contemporaries. He even has a go at other DJs for playing other people's music. You know, curation - the exact thing that DJing has always been renowned for. Look at someone like Total Freedom, whose sets are constructions of collagic shards from elsewhere, for proof that DJing with productions from other artists can be brilliant. If deadmau5 stuck to his guns a bit more, he may not be on this list.
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