8 Superstar DJs That Actually Suck

2. David Guetta

David Guetta might well be the most famous and influential DJ in the world at the moment, which is a very sad but unsurprising state of affairs. Guetta specialises in the worst form of EDM fast-food vacuity, churning out crowd-pleasing riffs, limp keyboards and hands-in-the-air Ibiza-style knock-off "bangers". He's responsible for the production on many of the biggest (and most predictable) club/R&B crossovers in recent memory, including the ubiquitous I Got A Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas, and has thus directly contributed towards the generic sound that dominates much contemporary pop. It's a shame that Guetta's success has gained him a lot of influential and far more gifted friends that collaborate frequently with him. The likes of John Legend and Nicki Minaj, highly respectable artists in their own right, have lowered themselves to working with the DJ in the knowledge that he is a hit-writer. Unfortunately, this means that the world gets fewer excellent tracks from those two in favour of more factory line flatness from Guetta. Next time you're in a club and every track sounds like a mind-numbing attempt to get the "bros" waving their arms in the air, blame Guetta. He has perfected the art of dull DJing.
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