8 Times Marilyn Manson Proved The World Wrong

4. He Gets Blamed For Atrocity But Still Manages To Keep His Cool

Everyone knows about Manson's bizarre connection to the Columbine Massacre, a horrific event that took place in April 1999 at Columbine High School when two students armed with guns murdered thirteen people and injured many more. At the time, Manson was nearing the height of his popularity, and it was easy for the media to latch onto his image and music as reason for the teenagers' twisted actions.

Though the Columbine Massacre is undoubtedly the most famous act of violence often blamed on Manson, he recently stated in an interview with Larry King that he has probably been blamed for about thirty-six school shootings. That's not to mention a whole host of other accusations, such as inciting Satanism and devil worship.

While many musicians would likely hit back aggressively at such slander (and who can blame them?) Manson's reaction is quite different, a mixture of resignation and disappointment. Of course, the most well-known example of this subdued reaction is seen in the Michael Moore documentary Bowling For Columbine, but it's interesting to watch the Larry King interview mentioned before, which took place over a decade later. What's clear is that Manson hasn't grown bitter -€“ he's just as disheartened by the whole thing as before.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.