9 Insane Conspiracy Theories About The Illuminati And The Music Industry

6. Madonna Has Knowledge Of The Illuminati's History

There are all sorts of accusations regarding occult symbolism in music videos and live shows, but in 2014 Madonna went a step further, releasing a song titled Illuminati. The song is from the album Rebel Heart, and according to the singer herself in an interview with Rolling Stone, it's not an admission of her involvement. In fact, Madonna claims that despite the many accusations over the years, she has never been part of the organisation, but she does hold a deep knowledge of its membership and history, and where the word actually originated. Theorists are divided. Some claim Madonna wants to be part of the organisation and is bitter that she's never been inducted. Others say the whole thing is a double bluff and that she's trying to delegitimize accusations. Whatever the truth, one thing remains clear: Madonna still isn't relevant these days.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.