9 Later Day Musical Crimes Perpetuated By Great Artists

2. Pixies - Everything Post-Kim Deal

Michael Jackson Earth Song
Diane Bondareff/AP

When a band loses a member, it can be a hard decision whether or not they continue. Queen with Adam Lambert was not a good idea; conversely, AC/DC went from strength to strength after the loss of Bon Scott. Pixies are an interesting example – because while Kim Deal simply left the band rather than passing away suddenly, they absolutely should not have carried on without her.

The thinking, clearly, was that Deal was just the bass player, but she was far more important than that to the band. While Frank Black was always the primary credited songwriter, Deal brought a great deal to the group with her vocals and ineffably cool vibe. Indeed, comparing the quality of Deal’s output with The Breeders to Black’s solo stuff would suggest she had a lot more involvement than sleeve credits would suggest.

Pixies have lumbered on since Deal tendered her resignation, producing three albums and a few indifferent EPs that did little for the band. Their status as an enormously important and influential group will never be challenged, but to see them adding needlessly to a once-spotless back catalogue is a little sad.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)