9 Songs So Good You Didn't Know They Were Covers

3. Great White - Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Originally By Ian Hunter)

As far as sanitized 80s hard rock about doing the deed go, Great White's "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" might be the best. It had enough of a late-Rolling Stones pseudo sexuality to draw in baby boomers while ostensibly falling into the same category as Poison's "Talk Dirty to Me."

But Great White can't out-sex the original by Ian Hunter. If STDs were transmittable through the auditory system, Hunter would still be calling fans, notifying them to get their private bits checked out by a physician.

The song is practically one long pelvic thrust, accentuated by the occasional butt slap.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.