9 Songs That Allegedly Drove People To Kill

5. Slipknot - "Disasterpiece"

Poor, Slipknot. You're probably not going to find a group of nicer guys playing music that sounds like it's coming directly from the most melodic parts of hell. And yet, in the face of controversy--for instance, when two of their fans viciously stabbed a person to death while singing lyrics from one of the band's songs--you're not going to find anyone talking about what "good dudes" Corey Taylor and his bandmates are. Because they look (and sound) like the ideal patsies to point the fingers at when a tragedy like that occurs. Then again, you're not really helping your cause when you choose to commence a song about bullying with the words "I wanna slit your throat and f*ck the wound," which is how Slipknot's "Disasterpiece" begins. These are allegedly the same lyrics Jason Harris and Amber Riley sang as they stabbed a man to death in 2003. According to detectives who interviewed the pair, they also listened to the band's music immediately before and after the murder was committed. As for the motive, all they could muster is that Harris was "curious" as to how it would feel to take someone else's life and Riley had a strong urge to see a dead body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPSenKymLwk Slipknot's music would be blamed once again, in 2008, for inspiring another stabbing in a South African school, though the only link to the band involves a mask the student was wearing when he stabbed a classmate in the neck. A mask that "somewhat resembled" one worn by a band member.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.