9 Songs That Are So Much Dirtier Than You Think

2. Cutting Crew - "(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight"

Never underestimate the weirdness of the 80s, folks. Because for every song from that period of music that you think was about sex but wasn't (Billy Squier's "The Stroke" was actually an indictment of the music industry), there's a whole host of songs that really are about sex, despite sounding totally innocuous. Take, for instance, this one-hit wonder who rode some gentle synth pop straight to the top of the charts. Aside from being one of the many songs from the era to include parentheses in the title for absolutely no reason whatsoever, most will concede that this Cutting Crew hit is simply another forgettable 80s ballad by another forgotten 80s band. And while this little fact probably won't make the song better for any of you, it might at least make it a tad more memorable. See, "(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight" isn't about an overly dramatic breakup or someone actually dying. It's about ejaculating onto your lover's appendages. Yep. Go ahead and re-read that sentence as man times as you want, but it's not going to say anything other than "ejaculating onto your lover's appendages." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZIOkbrX_uU Cutting Crew frontman Nick Van Eede came up with the idea for the tune after having sex with his girlfriend, trying to figure out a tasteful metaphor to sing about his orgasm. He remembered the French term "la petite mort," which means "the little death" in English. (And "the little death" is apparently a euphemism for "oohhhh God here it comes!") Using a little deductive reasoning confirms that he's singing about getting his gal's arms all messy.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.