1. The Human League - "Human"
I wouldn't ever try to hurt youI just needed someone to hold meTo fill the void while you were goneTo fill this space of emptiness
The most common retort from guys who've been caught committing adultery is the tried and true "I'm sorry, baby, but I'm only human. We all make mistakes." Nothing like appealing to human fallibility as an excuse for sticking it to the maid. The Human League decided to pen an entire song about that very reasoning. In "Human," the only reason the narrator cheats on his partner is because they were separated, and that time apart was really hurtful, and it's really hard
not to whip your dick out and put it in someone else during a long-distance relationship. But as a way to excuse the narrator's shameful behavior, they flip the script on us and, as it turns out,
she also cheated on
him during that time, too! See, we're
all human, born to...be complete a-holes to each other because we can't control our sexual impulses. Though it's not technically
the same idea as TLC's "Creep," it's a little weird how much this idea of "your infidelity cancels out my infidelity" permeates throughout the music industry.