9 Songs That Perpetuate Crazy Conspiracy Theories

6. Beck - "Chemtrails"

"You and me watching the chemtrails is where we belong // That's where we'll be when we die in the slipstream // We'll climb in a hole in the sky"

Have you ever looked up in the sky as an airplane flies over and noticed the little cloud-like trails they leave behind them? Those are called contrails, and are a result of condensation left behind by the plane's engine exhaust.

Not everyone is satisfied with this explanation, however, as some believe those trails are actually the result of Army airplanes spewing vicious chemical agents into the air to either A) brainwash the general populace, B) test military weapons, or C) create global warming.

Over a late-period Beatles soundscape, everyone's favorite musical Scientologist expresses a vague belief in the notion of chemtrails, but avoids citing any specifics on the matter.

Beck's remained mostly tight-lipped about which side of the conspiracy theory he belongs on - as he does with most things - but it's hard not to cry a little inside while thinking of the genius musician sitting at home and leafing through old copies of Weekly World News trying to find more "evidence" to support his lyrics.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.