9 Spanish Love Songs That Make You Wish You Were Latino
6. Un Alma Sentenciada I believe that some of the best love songs are a little histrionic. Love will drive you to emotional extremes, even when it's a good love. This song pretty much embodies that, though the music video is a little weird. It's part bodice-ripper (no, seriously) and part Biblical allegory (Good Samaritan, anyone?). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LssLGRlL_Sc Best Bits: "Love that is as lethal as a dagger First it wounds me After, it bleeds me dry Love is insanity that has despaired Love is to not have you and to not have forgotten you" "Love you are the truth of my time, My sweet, my beloved, my house, my temple, my love, my truth, my passion, my intention my secret that comes and goes with the wind" "All my life shuts down My world turns blind Love is to ask you And shout to you that you should return" "That is to say that you should return, please, that I am a soul about to die. A soul that you condemn and you have sentenced. A soul that out of shame you have crucified."