9 Things You Didn't Know About Tom Jones

7. If James Bond Was A Singer, He'd Be Tom Jones

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLYW2UgSJq8 The Thunderball theme song isn't about James Bond, it's about Tom Jones. It's probably why he sang it, realizing the eerie similarities between himself and Bond with the major exception is that it has taken 6 actors to portray James Bond while it only takes one Tom Jones. It is said he sang this song so hard (because he is Tom Jones) he nearly passed out in ecstasy after singing the final note.

6. He Is The Original Sex Bomb

tom jones singer Not to say that Tom Jones has a way with the ladies, but again here he is in 1970 and twenty years later performing Sex Bomb. Sex Bomb one can only presume is about Tom Jones and what happened every time he got up on stage at Las Vegas, London or just ordered something at the local Starbucks. Women exploded in his presence, many leaving nothing behind but their undergarments and hotel room keys. Tom Jones went beyond mere sexual magnetism and into orgasmic explosiveness. Plus, he belted Sex Bomb out at the lean age of 59 on his album Reload, which in itself gave him 5 top 40 hits in the UK. So when most people are planning the countdown to retirement, TJ was still competing against singers 40 years younger than him and kicking it. The Sex Bomb video(s) reiterated that he was still a ladies man, making him a triple generational threat to your girlfriend, Mom and Grandma.
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Tom Jones
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Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.