Chris Cornell: Ranking Every Album From Worst To Best

12. ​Ultramega OK

Chris Cornell

Paying tribute to heavy metal, punk rock, and classic psychedelia can get real messy, as Soundgarden's debut album proves. But don't let that turn you away, because no other band could stuff all of those influences into one record (and give equal shrift to each of them) and come out the other end with something so memorable.

What might strike any casual fan of the band's is just how nasally and shaky Chris Cornell's vocals are out of the gate. Indeed, "Flower" almost sounds like it was recorded with Billy Corgan at the helm.

Aside form the higher pitched vocals, this is also a more playful band than the one who would later out-somber even Nirvana. The punk rock in them is on display in full effect here, as is their power metal bombast. Just listen to those wailing guitars and that crazy, screeching falsetto from their cover of Howlin Wolf's "Smokestack Lightning."

It's a pretty uneven album, which also makes it one of Soundgarden's most exciting.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.