Cool For Cats Records: Mercy - Sleepwalker (Free Download)

A genuinely enjoyable listen, and definitely worth a download. This could be just the platform Mercy needs.

What initially began as an independent record label that focussed in on releasing singles, that in its prime released a number of singles that soon sold out (including artists such as The Kabeedies, Fight Like Apes and Thomas Tantrum), receiving widespread praise and actually being named Radio 1€™s label of the week. Things were off to a good start for Cool For Cats, and the future looked bright; the future looked feline. However as we all more than familiar with now, the way people purchased and experienced music changed drastically. Downloading took sway, whether illegally or purchasing them via the approved authorities, and buying singles took a plummet, especially 7€ like Cool For Cats were honourably trading in. So with the evolution of music consumption, things seemed pretty doomed for Cool For Cats, and it essentially gave up and stopped. Though everyone likes a comeback don€™t they, look at Jesus, that guy made an eternal living off just one comeback . Impressive. So here we have the underdog(or cat) making a comeback fitted and poised for the digital age and the free exchange landscape. In their time away, they clearly decided if free music is what people want, then it is free music they shall be given. Now returned as a variation on their original theme, this time instead of releasing singles as vinyl singles, they€™re displaying singles as free downloads. Touting themselves now as not a label but €˜A Free Digital Club.€™ The premise of which being to €˜release€™ a single every fourth Monday of every month of 2012, which will be available for free download for 30 days after its initial €˜release€™ date. The first of said monthly releases is a song called Sleepwalker by Mercy, initially released on the 23rd of January at where the singles will be uploaded for free download each month. The idea itself has some promise if it€™s done right, and could offer a good platform for the unsigned and up and coming. After all everyone€™s got a myspace, how do you stand out? Especially when no one uses myspace socially anymore, facebook work but it starts with friends who don€™t necessarily like your music. Gigging is the main brunt of work before unknown and signed to stardom. However this initial focussed releasing could gain the songs the attention needed, and their free, everyone likes a freebie. Of course it could just fall on its arse, but cats have nine lives so they€™ll be alright. It could even catch on. As to the actual single Cool for Cats are introducing to the world and reintroducing themselves with, let€™s get the nitty-gritty out of the way; Mercy is a London based singer who on this track is collaborating with Toby Kidd of indier-than-indie indie darlings in the making Hatcham Social, also featured are Luke Tristam of Advert, Euan Hinshelwood from Young Husband and Finnegan Kidd of Hatcham Social €“ no, me neither. The collective talent on display here though, is actually quite impressive; as debut singles go, this makes quite an impact. With a musical backing that€™s equal parts modern pop as it is retro art pop clearly straddling some of Mercy€™s personally listed influences like the Shangri Las and Lizzie Mercia, and a kind of 70s post-punk pop of sorts. It also brings to mind Florence & The Machine as a modern comparison but this is mainly when Mercy belts it out in the choruses. Otherwise it€™s quite a unique little single, atmospheric and sparse yet simultaneously seductive all the same. The production being a strong point with its blends of sounds, but it is Mercy who is the star delivering a performances that flows between sultry and soaring delicately. A genuinely enjoyable listen, and definitely worth a download. This could be just the platform Mercy needs.

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits