Dillinger Escape Plan Live At Cardiff Review

Still suffering from neck ache on a Monday following a gig on Friday, it's hard to establish whether it's a case of getting old, or just a really good gig. For Dillinger Escape Plan in Cardiff's Great Hall though, November 1st, it's definitely a case of the latter. Though, it might be a bit of the first too, or that after 23 years I've just never honed a good headbanging technique. Anyway, it's the third time I've seen Dillinger now, and before I start swooning all over the place, it's Three Trapped Tigers up first. Unfortunately, due to some early doors and set times, we've missed Maybeshewill who are normally ever reliable for putting on a solid set on account of playing as a tight unit and sporting some generally stunning songs. So it's Three Trapped Tigers we're in time for. As with Dillinger and Maybshewill, I've seen TTT a few times now, though, I'm unsure how many as each time has been more hazy than the last, or less hazy than the last since I'm clear headed this time around. Anyhow, they drop a suitably tight set of their instrumental/electro/post-rock/mathtronica fun for all gathered. As with Maybeshewill, they're an unusual choice for supporting Dillinger (though not really), and that comes across in the crowd's reaction; some lap it up, while others... well, not so much. Still though, a mix of new and old tracks, I enjoy myself, and they seem to be getting around these days, having supported Deftones on their UK tour earlier this year. Dillinger arrive on stage and don't wait around before hitting it home with Prancer, a suitable face punch for the crowd to get going to from the off. The opening chords of Farewell, Mona Lisa introduce themselves and I decide it's time for me to make my way into the throng, and maintain my being down the front for each Dillinger gig streak I realise that three is hardly a significant streak, but shut up. In the crowd is the best place to enjoy Dillinger as everybody erupts into screams, vocal choruses, or really violent epileptic fits. As ever the band are obscenely tight, and possibly one of the most impressive outfits to see live as they deliver some of the most technical and time changing metalcore you'll hear whilst throwing themselves around the stage, or dancing. Head honcho Ben Weinman, sporting a particularly impressive Movember already (putting my own to shame), is of particular note in throwing himself around as at one point he leaps into the crowd and maintains his guitar duties as the crowd surfs him. Vocalist Greg Puciato is at it too, climbing speaker systems and attacking the front line of fans. I did warn you that I'd start swooning all over the place during this review. The band run through the set that tends to lean heavily on their newest material with most tracks coming from Ire Works, Option Paralysis and, this tour's album, One Of Us Is The Killer. Not that that displeases the crowd, or me, as almost everything is met with wholehearted sing/shout-a-longs. However, Miss Machine is criminally underrepresented; Panasonic Youth, as good as it is, is just not enough from such a significant album. The encore acts as an explosive send off as the band arrive back on stage playing their cover of Aphex Twin's Come To Daddy (from the band's Mike Patton featuring EP Irony Is A Dead Scene), which I gush to mention that I got to scream/sing/growl down the mic with Greg as he first came at the crowd, leaving the mic then with the frontline briefly, before taking it back. The band of course finishing on their classic set staple of 43% Burnt, and the crowd of course going ape for it. Quite the belated birthday present. That wasn't too fanboy-y was it? Were you at the Dillinger gig? Share your own responses below.