Every Billy Joel Album Ranked Worst To Best

From The Stranger to Glass Houses, which of the Piano Man's records is the best of the best?

Billy Joel is one of music's most well-known songwriters, able to balance a wide range of musical genres and tackle big, socio-political themes. During his time as a recording artist, he released thirteen albums, all of them bestsellers. Since his final album was released, he has remained a top-draw live act, selling out stadiums just as he did in the 80s.

Despite this enduring popularity, though, there's always been something underrated about him. Everybody knows he rocks as a pianist, and some of his melodies are instantly recognisable classics, but with his turbulent personal life and the fame of his contemporaries (think Bruce Springsteen or Elvis Costello), Joel's abilities as a lyricist often go underpraised.

Over his albums, the Piano Man fused funk with soul, pop with rock, and classical music with jazz, all the while telling great stories, painting vivid pictures and maintaining his fiery, rebellious persona. His lyrics spoke to the masses, the loners, the rebels, the romantics and the dreamers, and though not all of his albums were perfect, all offer something that few musicians have ever been able to fully emulate.

With all that in mind, here are all of Billy Joel's albums ranked worst to best.

13. HONOURABLE MENTION: Fantasies & Delusions

Before we get into the bulk of Joel's work, it's worth giving a shout-out to his last album, Fantasies & Delusions. Released in 2001, the album features an array of classical compositions written by Joel and performed by pianist Richard Hyung-ki Joo. There are no lyrics, no raging rock ballads and no flashy pop songs.

Despite this, Fantasies & Delusions is a wonderful album, perfect for those nights when you want to listen to something relaxing in the background. It's not bursting with character like the majority of Joel's other work, but it does give an insight into just how accomplished a songwriter and music composer he really is.

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Billy Joel
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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other