Every Childish Gambino Single Ranked Worst To Best

6. Sweatpants

Rapping like an in-prime Busta Rhymes, Gambino becomes a man possessed in his most ambitiously fast-paced love-letter to the rap industry yet. Even Rhymes himself would be envious as Glover meticulously crafts each and every line in this song to seamlessly bounce off the former, growing with veracious intensity until reaching a boiling point that sees him explode, dictating each and every line in accordance with the ever-reciprocating 80 beats per minute (bpm). Uncontrollably spewing absolute venom with each and every syllable being wrapped up nice and neatly alongside a genius level of wordplay, Gambino cuts down everyone and everything in his way with the ludicrous lyricism, reflective of a rapper trying to proportionally and proverbially blow up in the rap game.

Kick-starting things straight away with some of the most direct lyrics in the rappers arsenal, before gradually leaning into what comes across as a man arrogantly bragging about his families wealthy background, well, that's until the initial concealment is removed. With a contrary (almost arbitrary) ending to the song that attempts to portray the message of a man wanting to do things on his own, embellishing the relinquishment placed on a debt of gratitude by his already successful family.

Giving us first-hand an oblique insight into his ability and conviction, which stems from intriguing to disturbing, as we anticipate whether or not his respiratory system belongs to that of a human being. Personally I just hope they had a fire extinguisher in the recording studio at the time.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com