The Flaming Lips: Ranking The Albums From Best To Worst

8. Zaireeka

Zaireeka The radical one. Zaireeka is hugely infamous for its listening method - four CD's, which have each section of one whole song on each CD, thus requiring four CD players to even play. If you're lucky, you had this album and had four players, but, thanks to the internet (this link is actually a mixdown and synced to a DVD), we've got stereo mixdowns and, although it may dilute the sound a bit and disallow the entire meaning for the album's creation, you still get to hear the music. If you click the link above and listen, you'll immediately be taken by surprise. Zaireeka is "radical" for being the most experimental. Take a look at the track list and you'll see what I mean by radical. Spacious tones and sections are throughout, with strange tinny noises and a jarringly complex listening method makes these tracks nearly impossible to hear perfectly as they were intended. Tracks to Hear: Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand, Riding to Work in the Year 2025 (Your Invisible Now), The Train Runs Over the Camel But Is Derailed by the Gnat

9. Oh My Gawd!!!

Oh My Gawd Take a look back to 1987. Oh My Gawd!!! is the most raw recording of the Fearless Freaks. This album is the Lips at their most punk, evident with opener 'Everything's Explodin'.' This album showcases the band picking and messing around with tones and riffs that evoked a psychedelic sound and abrasive sound, trying to marry the two together on tracks like 'One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning' and 'The Ceiling Is Bendin'.' Dropping names like Jesus Christ, Evel Knievel, and Salvador Dali, this album is a silly, but fun listen, with the peak of this album being 'Prescription: Love,' introduced with a three-minute jam and then turning into a pop-esque rock tune, wondering if "love was a drug and it was real cheap" then "everyone would get some sleep." This song is also one the first times Wayne Coyne puts in his normal singing register, instead of the muddled register on Hear It Is. Tracks to Hear: Everything's Explodin', Prescription: Love, Love Yer Brain

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