Iceage & Fascism: 5 Reasons To Hate & 3 Reasons Why It's Still (Maybe) Okay To Listen

3. Their Music Is Really Good


Full disclosure: I work at a college radio station as a Music Director, and I added Iceage's latest album to our station's rotation. I gave it a thoughtful endorsement on the cover and put it on the shelf for everyone to hear. Granted, this was before I knew of the whole fascism controversy, but, given another chance, would I do it again? Certainly. It is a passionate, intense piece of technical and emotional craftsmanship. Now, should they come through town on tour, would I think twice about promoting that show? Most definitely. the distinction lies in the content of their music versus the content of their image. here are some example lyrics:

"She gives me signals But our hearts are not the same Wants me to take her But blockades run through my veins"

Nothing about these words are racist or fascist; maybe a little earnest, but only in the tradition of Hüsker Dü or Joy Division. Their music has nothing to do with the image they project, so it's easy to separate the two. Certainly it's troubling that they continue to behave the way they do, but at least it's not impacting the final product.

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I am a writer and musician born and raised in Montana. I have done everything from fixing fences in Glacier National Park to curating the music library at KBGA Missoula. I am also a lazy jerk.