10. Gift Of Pain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMqn9_whae4 Vocals: D. Randall Blythe Lead & Rhythm Guitars: Alex Skolnick Bass: David Ellefson Drums: Mike Portnoy Additional Lead Guitar: Gary Holt At this stage you already know whether or not you can get on board with Randy Blythe's paint-stripping vocals; they're either the single-most 'metal' thing to exist outside of bending the 17th fret of the B string, or his unabashedly throaty style is just too off-putting. Luckily for the legions of Lamb of God fans and anyone looking to try something with a far more heavier edge than the other popular metal bands out there, Blythe has brought his A-game to the Metal Allegiance club, Skolnick also managing to kick out a riff that connotes just enough of that signature LoG sound without losing any of his own. It's a resoundingly powerful way to open the album, and although the other tracks on here don't go anywhere near as heavy as Randy vocally (let's be honest, that's fairly impossible), listening to him roar, scream and chant his way through lyrics like "You gave me/Your gift of pain!", before Slayer's Gary Holt delivers a solo as mind-frazzingly fast as only he can, it makes for one hell of a statement of intent.