Metallica: 10 Awesome Songs NO ONE Talks About

6. Suicide & Redemption - Death Magnetic

Instrumentals as a whole tend to be overlooked in Metallica's discography. It kind of makes sense though, given that the casual fan would hook on to the lyrics of something like Sad But True or Nothing Else Matters than just musical grandeur. Even though many tend to single out Orion as Metallica's most ambitious instrumental, there is something special going on on Suicide and Redemption.

Getting back to the basics for the first time in years, the inclusion of this track is just another indicator of the band getting in touch with their thrashy roots. Other than the amazing riffs that happen across this song, the parts are still very well-constructed for a group that could easily just throw together a bunch of riffs without a care in the world.

Whereas other instrumentals gave Cliff Burton a chance to shine, the real killing melodic hook belongs to James Hetfield this time around.

Rather than the usual Kirk Hammett solo, James is on lead guitar midway through the song, where he makes his guitar absolutely wail. Though his chops are not nearly as technically complex as Kirk's, the simplicity and way with melody he has makes for one hell of a sonic experience, almost like you're on a roller coaster while you're listening.

This might not have achieved legendary status just yet, but you might want to check up on this one to see the technical magic these guys still have.

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