Metallica: ONE Overlooked Song On Every Album

8. Disposable Heroes - Master of Puppets

There really isn't too much that could be considered overlooked on an album like Master of Puppets. Outside of just a handful of tracks, every single song on this album is concentrated kickass, with even the instrumental Orion developing a loyal following from metalheads across the globe. If this song wasn't overstuffed with classics though, there's a good chance that we'd remember Disposable Heroes a lot more.

When it comes to BPM, this is one of the few songs where Metallica's punk influences are back out in full force, with the breakdown riffs acting like the machine gun in the lyrics. While songs about war aren't really anything new for Metallica at this point, this might be one of James' most pertinent topics, as we look at the lives of these men who grow up just to go to war and are eventually stricken with PTSD as a result.

Even for being a lowlight, there are still some killer hooks on this track too, with the chant of "BACK TO THE FRONT" being strong enough to be shouted in an arena of metal maniacs. And when you hear everything drop out and James lets out that scream of "I WAS BORN FOR DYING," you know that there's no turning back for these heroes. They may be told that they're fighting for their country, but this is what it's like to have Hell on earth.

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