Metallica: Ride The Lightning - Ranking Every Song Worst To Best

6. Trapped Under Ice

Kicking off Side B with a driving, persistent blast of freewheeling thrash, the group kept up their morbid lyricism with this tale of an individual awoken prematurely from a cryonic state and unable to prevent their own demise - but at the very least, it's got a kick-ass, effectively simple rhythm to it that propels it further and further into frenetic glory.

Unlike Fight Fire with Fire, this is metal in pure unadulterated form for the die-hards among their audience; an unfettered concoction that proceeds with little paraphernalia to it. A lean, mean piece that showcases the band's pace above all else, in particularly their taut control of the weight of their riffs.

It's one of the lesser-played cuts from Ride the Lightning, shy of two-dozen appearances on stage - and remarkably, the band missed a golden chance to give it an airing when they actually played in Antarctica in 2013, blowing the opportunity to actually play Trapped Under Ice while trapped on ice.

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Something of a culture vulture, Mr Steel can historically be found in three places; the local cinema, the local stadium or the local chip shop. He is an avowed fan of franchise films, amateur cricket and power-chords.