Oasis: 5 Underrated Songs You Need To Love

2.Gas Panic

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D431CwC9wTw This 6 minute aggressive marathon of a song certainly deserves more credit. It is a symphony of guitar solos, synths and all manner of other instruments. All this is complimented by Liam Gallagher's snarl. Standing On the Shoulder's Of Giants, the album from which this song stems from, wasn't exactly critically acclaimed but Gas Panic certainly bolstered the entire record. It is a far different style from what some may expect from the band but that is what makes it so appealing. You are taken into a completely new realm here, It's different and will go against all your assumptions. Click Next for our most underrated Oasis song...

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19 year old journalism student from Aberdeen. Contributing to the Music, Sports and Technology sections of WhatCulture.