R Kelly's 10 Craziest Song Lyrics Of All Time

1. 'Shut Up' - Black Panties (2013)

'Now seriously after all these hits and melodies and memories You compare me to someone else OMG Now no offense to the other artist but come on dawg Let's be honest how many babies been made off me OMG Seriously you gonna act like that Sit there like it ain't no truth to that Looking at me like I ain't talking stats OMG Every boy, every girl, every child around the world From the 90s up until today was made off me'
As Beyonce once sang, 'He got a big ego, such a huge ego.' Damn straight. The only this is, that I don't love his big ego. An extremely angry and ranty song dedicated to his critics and haters in which R Kelly shows off a high level of narcissism and the magnitude of an ego which would make Kanye seem extremely modest.This particular verse was met with hysterical laughter, a huge jaw drop and is extremely absurd. Is he really crediting himself for every kid conceived during the 90s? Now this has to be heard to be believed. This makes Kanye West's, er, "Kanye-isms" seem like completely empty words. He believes he was solely responsible for a huge baby boom in the 90s. Really?! REALLY?!
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