The Dirty Heads - Cabin By The Sea Review

Where was the summer this year? No seriously, where the hell was it?

rating: 4

Where was the summer this year? No seriously, where the hell was it? I know this is supposed to be an album review, but quite honestly after listening to this infectious and gloriously sunny reggae-rock album from SoCal band The Dirty Heads, I realized how depressingly dreary UK life must be compared to that of the Californian locals that ooze out of this feel-good summer celebration. But it doesn€™t matter. Not really. Because first and foremost, Cabin By The Sea is a mood-changer. All the while this 49-minute album blasts through its memorable melodies and groove-ridden moments, you will be transported to exactly the place this music wants to take you. From the opening, the slow acoustic guitar melody accompanying the sound of gulls squawking and water breaking the shoreline really gets to work achieving this. Straight into the title track, the subtle instrumentation and percussive phrases create a calming mood, before jumping into an infectious chorus, (one of many on the album) that you€™ll find running through your head for days on end. There are countless examples of the quality of musicianship on offer through the subtle instrumentation used through each track. Bands like The Dirty Heads are commonly described as non-traditional reggae, meaning they employ styles and ideas usually found in other genres of music to achieve the same elated feeling as that of traditional reggae music. Brief crossings of style work delightfully and only compliment the feel of the music, such as Mariachi-style horn parts throughout Disguise and the funk-ridden wah guitar part employed in Mongo Push. Each genre styling is employed successfully without being rammed down your throat. One things for sure, these guys know how write a song. In America The Dirty Heads have already achieved a lot of success, specifically through debut album single Lay Me Down which managed eleven weeks at Number One on the Billboard Alternative Chart. It€™s great to see a band with intelligence, lyrical wit and infectious energy cut through the pestilence that haunts the current popular music scene. I can only hope that The Dirty Heads will find a place in the hearts of the British public, because we need a band like this to show the swathes of droll chart-botherers how to write a truly universally enjoyable song. That€™s what The Dirty Heads do, and they€™re proud of it. And so they should be. One things for sure, as a British person Cabin By The Sea will make you long for the summer you€™ve so cruelly been deprived of this year.

Young film maker and musician, always looking for a new project or challenge! Also dangerously obsessed with Nick Cave, Radiohead and very odd Prog.